Self-Service Password Reset

Register for Self-Service Password Reset

(First time users only)

Reset Password

Forgot Password? Registered users can click here

(You must know your security questions)

Unlock Account

Registered users can click here

(You must know your security questions)

Change Password

Registered users can click here

(You must know your current password)

Configure Additional
Security Verification

Self-Service Password Reset

Welcome to the Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) page. Here you will be able to reset, unlock and change your password without having to call the Service Desk.

Registration is required.

If this is your first time here, please select, "Register for Self-Service Password Reset" and complete your enrollment by setting up your Security Questions.

Note: Store Associates should only choose Security Questions. Do not choose an alternate phone or email for your verification method.

Need Help?

If you need assistance with enrollment, please reach out to Store Support by calling 866-786-7343 (866-StoreHelp). We can guide you through the setup process.